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Coaches & Mentors

WomanUp provides access to trained

Executive Coaches and Mentors 

Helping women achieve

  career and life goals

Embedding learnings and effecting behavioural changes are critical for women who have either participated in the WomanUp Leadership Programme or who require support at particular points in their career journeys  WomanUp has a panel of expert, experienced Executive Coaches who specialise in coaching women and in helping them realise their desired career and life goals.


Our Executive Coaches:


  • Commission in-depth analyses of an individual's leadership attributes and styles, using renowned tools that have been used by millions of people globally to improve their leadership effectiveness

  • Advise on the interpretation of the reports generated  by these tools

  • Identify blockages and behavioural changes

  • Create plans for self-development


Mentoring is another important support.  We identify and train mentors within businesses,  Typically, their roles involve:


  • Providing guidance on navigating the organisational culture

  • Supporting women to become more “organisationally savvy”

  • Acting as a sounding board for issues that arise within the business and impact positively or negatively on job satisfaction and career advancement


WomanUp also has access to many experienced external Mentors who are committed to supporting younger women and offer deep experience of corporate culture, the challenges but also the opportunities women face in developing their careers.





Want to discuss your coaching requirements?

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