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Strategies and tips for coping with #Covid19

WomanUp has created a resource called #CopingWithCovid19 which offers strategies and tips to help you cope with the professional and personal challenges you are likely to be facing as a result of #Covid19. It has been launched in partnership with, the website which provides information, resources and help for Irish business owners and managers and which is powered by Bank of Ireland.

In early April, began publishing a series of articles written by members of the WomanUp team which address the very real issues professionals are facing -- coping with stress, juggling work and family responsibilities from home, feeling isolated, coping with people who are increasingly irritable or being besieged by negativity in the media and on our phones.

All five articles have been published and have been extensively shared on social media. Our primary channel for promoting this content was LinkedIn where we got a phenomenal response, with each post attracting thousands of views and some posts trending in the #leadership hashtag, which has over 2.2 million followers. Although the series is complete we'd encourage you to continue reading and sharing this content.

Scroll down for summaries of the #CopingWithCovid19 articles, the infographics and the all important links to the articles


Leaders need to create stability and hope during this tumultuous time

WomanUp Co-Founder Carol Bolger considers the leadership attributes necessary to lead in a crisis such as #Covid19. Understanding what you can and cannot control is essential, she writes, as are three critical attributes that leaders need to apply in a crisis.

Read the article on the ThinkBusiness website


Staying grounded when your emotional

brain wants to turn you upside down

Why your emotional brain needs to be "cocooned" to cope with the stresses of #Covid19. In the second piece in the #CopingWithCovid19 series, WomanUp Co-Founder Clodagh Hughes provides tips on how to stay grounded when your emotional brain goes into overdrive

Read the article on the website


Diffuse conflicts through empathy, communications and support

Raised voices and full scale rows are all too common as #Covid19 tests both our professional and personal relationships. WomanUp Lead Consultant Rose Cartolari recommends how to diffuse conflicts, be empathetic and respond to accusations.

Read the article on the website


Take a break from depressing news and read and share uplifting content

We are in the midst of an infodemic as well as a pandemic. Paying attention to what media we consume and share is vital, WomanUp Co-Founder Aileen O'Toole argues. She provides tips on managing your media consumption habits and also selects her top five pieces of content which she has widely shared since the start of the #Covid19 crisis.

Read the article on the website


Resourcing yourself is vital to building resilience

Being resilient & aware of how to resource yourself, such as finding a 'switch off' space, are critical to dealing with concerns & uncertainties caused by #Covid19. So argues Dearbhalla Baviera who suggests ways of using this time to slow down & focus on different pursuits

Read the article on the website


Background to Covid campaign

The articles in the #CopingWithCovid19 series were written by five senior professional women who have been involved in the delivery of WomanUp’s Female Leadership Programme, which aims to build leadership skills among high potential women. That said, we firmly believe these articles are as relevant to men as they are to women. Over 40 females in the Bank of Ireland Group have participated in the programme to date.

Each article addressed the very real and difficult dilemmas we are facing every day. The authors draw on their expertise and experience in leadership consultancy, executive coaching, corporate governance, facilitation, media strategy and nurturing high performance teams to give context but, more importantly, provide solutions and practical tips to the everyday realities of coping with Covid19.

Our ambition in launching #CopingWithCovid19 was to enable a wider professional audience to draw on the tools and techniques we recommend for building resilience, in particular, and also strategies that are known to contribute to effective leadership. We hoped that this resource could contribute even in a small way to reducing stress and enhancing wellbeing during the most difficult time in living memory.

We want these articles to continue to reach as wide an audience as possible. Please help us to do this, by sharing them through your social channels, LinkedIn in particular. If you have any queries about this resource, please contact us through our contact page.

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