Diagnosing and providing solutions to cultural and organisational blocks to gender diversity
Supporting leaders to make their businesses more gender diverse
WomanUp works with boards and the C suite on developing their strategies and implementation plans to enable their businesses to become more gender diverse. We adopt an evidence-based approach to diagnosing and proposing solutions to the cultural and organisational blocks.
We conduct research assignments as critical inputs into strategic plans and the metrics which should be used to monitor progress. We facilitate leaders to become advocates for female talent within their businesses and secure buy-in from Line Managers and others throughout the businesses. Also, we work with leaders on strategic communications, crafting messages, championing this agenda and developing meaningful awareness and communications initiatives that can be rolled out across the business.​
Two of WomanUp’s founders – Carol Bolger and Aileen O’Toole – are Chartered Directors and are experienced board and C suite facilitators. Clodagh Hughes, who leads WomanUp, is also an experienced board and C suite facilitator and she and Carol are experienced and qualified Leadership Coaches.